Major Update, Fixes, and Optimizations

June 26, 2024

  • Pickanimation Filter: Introduced a new filter for pickanimations, enhancing the visual selection process.
  • Handle Missing: Implemented robust handling for missing data scenarios, ensuring smoother user experience.
  • File Write Clarifications: Clarified file write operations to prevent common user errors and improve overall system reliability.

June 14, 2024

  • Fix: Addressed various minor bugs to improve overall system stability.
  • Major Update: Rolled out a significant update that enhances performance and adds new features.
  • New Gradient Presets for PostFX: Introduced new gradient presets for PostFX, giving users more options for visual effects.

May 13, 2024

  • Ocean Implant: Added a new ocean implant feature, providing more realistic water simulations.

May 2, 2024

  • Update: General updates and improvements to the system, enhancing functionality and performance.

April 27, 2024

  • Fix Processed Shader Material: Corrected issues with processed shader materials to ensure accurate rendering.

April 25, 2024

  • Test PR for Generating Cubemap Mips: Conducted tests for generating cubemap mips, improving the visual quality of reflections.
  • Fix DynamicCubemaps on Objects: Resolved issues with dynamic cubemaps on objects for better reflective surfaces.
  • Add cstdint to ies_loader: Included cstdint to ies_loader, enhancing compatibility and functionality.
  • KissFFT Implant: Integrated KissFFT for improved water rendering.

April 19, 2024

  • Adds a Sanity Check to SimObject’s setFieldValue Console Method: Implemented a sanity check to ensure valid data entry in SimObject’s setFieldValue method.
  • Onload Old Name: Addressed naming issues during the onload process to maintain consistency.

April 17, 2024

  • Stable Phase 2: Achieved the second phase of stability improvements, enhancing system robustness.
  • Stable Phase 1: Completed the first phase of stability enhancements, laying the groundwork for further updates.

April 16, 2024

  • Fix Order of Ops Mangling useGroupCenter Snapping: Corrected the order of operations mangling in useGroupCenter snapping for better precision.
  • Update ArrowPrimitive.asset.taml: Made necessary updates to ArrowPrimitive.asset.taml for improved asset management.
  • DragDropDrunk: Improved drag-and-drop functionality for a more intuitive user experience.
  • Typofix: Corrected various typographical errors across the system.
  • Round Robin: Implemented a round robin mechanism for load balancing.

April 16, 2024 (continued)

  • Create assetBase: Created a new assetBase file to standardize asset handling.
  • Update guiInspectorTypes: Updated guiInspectorTypes for better GUI inspection capabilities.
  • Fix Position Editor Value Flutter: Resolved issues with position editor value flutter to ensure smooth operation.
  • Change to Use libsndfile: Switched to libsndfile for improved sound file handling.
  • Fix serverGroup not being created & MacOSX fix compil: Fixed issues with serverGroup creation and resolved MacOSX compilation errors.
  • Virtuals Override: Improved the handling of virtuals override for better performance.
  • Crashfix for Inspector Dynamic Field Editing: Addressed crashes related to dynamic field editing in the inspector.
  • Update WorldEditorInspectorWindow.ed.gui: Updated WorldEditorInspectorWindow.ed.gui to enhance the editing interface.
  • Clang Tidy Misc Fixes: Applied various Clang tidy fixes for cleaner code.
  • Adds Handling for the Keyboard Remap: Improved handling for keyboard remaps to accommodate custom configurations.
  • Virtuals Override: Further improvements to virtuals override functionality.
  • Reload Chain Execution: Enhanced reload chain execution for better workflow efficiency.
  • MacOSX Changes: Made several changes specific to MacOSX to improve compatibility.
  • GFX Shader Refactor: Refactored GFX shaders to optimize rendering performance.
  • Fix for Zone Removal Issue: Resolved an issue with zone removal to maintain system integrity.
  • PARALLAX_TOOLS Off Compile Fix: Fixed compilation issues when PARALLAX_TOOLS is disabled.
  • IES Profil Bugfix: Corrected bugs related to IES profile handling.
  • Allow Spotlights to Compress IES Based on Angle Differentials: Improved spotlight compression based on angle differentials for more accurate lighting.
  • Fix Missed 1D Convert: Addressed missed 1D texture conversions.
  • Use a 1D Texture: Switched to using 1D textures for specific applications.
  • Update pointLightP.glsl: Updated pointLightP to improve lighting calculations.
  • Update advancedLighting_Shaders.pscript: Updated advancedLighting_Shaders for better shader performance.
  • Update the GLSL Side to Match HLSL IES Profile Usage: Ensured consistency between GLSL and HLSL IES profile usage.
  • Temp Workaround for Material Editor Crash: Implemented a temporary workaround for crashes in the material editor.

These recent commits reflect ongoing efforts to enhance functionality, address bugs, and improve stability within the project.